Daily Archives: April 4, 2012

Saudi Trivia Game

The Saudi Trivia Game is an interactive educational game for learners of English language aiming to practice their speaking skills. The game addresses Saudi Arabia culture and lifestyle and provides trivial facts of the Saudi society and its distinct culture, language and way of life. By playing the game in the English classroom, students are engaged in a competitive interactive discussion mode of learning and communication by practicing their English language speaking skills while testing their knowledge of the Saudi culture and lifestyle.

The aim of this project was to develop an interactive software application to be used in teaching/learning environments where the English language is taught to Arab speakers and in particular the students of the English Language Skills Department at the Preparatory Year Deanship of King Saud University.

Each one of the 16 questions of the 10 levels of the Saudi Trivia Game can be seen as an individual learning item which creates the learning conditions for the development of a speaking practice discussion, either by a teacher in the teacher in the class or by the student and/or his family outside the class. The aim of the game is not to answer each question right, rather to delay the answering of the right question, by engaging the students in verbal communication and practice of English as they expand and enrich the information in each question and its alternative answers. Most people and in particular young people such as students, learn more effectively when they are given the opportunity to use a preferred learning style, and this is achieved in this case with the use of educational technologies.

The Saudi Trivia Game was developed by the Educational Technology team and volunteer English teachers of the English Language Skills Department of the Preparatory Year Deanship at King Saud University. It is anticipated to offer a fun and enjoyable experience, and represent a dynamic learning resource for students of English language. The game is published with a Creative Commons license, to make it available to interested schools/teachers/students. With a Creative Commons license the author/s give permission for others to use, copy and distribute the work for free, whilst retaining the copyright.

Read more and download it here